2024 Payroll Calculator Based on 2020 W4

About W-4 and Deductions
1 Choose filing status
2 Total number of qualified children under 17
3 Number of other dependents
4 Additinal federal withholding $
5 Pretax Contributions (Health Insurance, FSA and HSA etc.) $
6 Retirement Contributions $
7 Checkbox at step 2 on W-2 checked
Gross Pay
1 Choose Pay period
2 Hourly regular rate $ per hour $
3 Regular Hours worked hours
4 Overtime Hourly rate $ per hour $
5 Hours at overtime hours
6 Base pay (line 2 x line 3) {{base_pay | currency}}
7 Overtime pay (line 4 x line 5) {{overtime_pay | currency}}
8 Bonus or commission $
9 cash tips $
10 Noncash tips $
11 Gross pay {{gross_pay | currency}}
Employer Cost
1 Employer paid {{employer_paid | currency}}
2 Social Security {{social_security_rate}}% {{social_security | currency}}
3 Medicare {{medicare_rate}}% {{medicare | currency}}
4 State Unemployment Tax line 11 x rate % {{state_unemployment_insurance_tax | currency}}
5 Federal Unemployment Tax line 11 x rate % {{federal_unemployment_tax | currency}}
6 Employer paid benefits (if any) $
7 Total employer cost {{employer_cost | currency}}
Employee paycheck
1 Gross {{gross_pay2 | currency}}
2 Social Security {{-social_security | customCurrency}}
3 Medicare {{-medicare | customCurrency}}
4 0.9% addtional Medicare tax over $200,000 $
5 Federal Income Tax Withholdings (per table) {{-FIT | customCurrency}}
6 State Income Tax % {{-state_income_tax | currency}}
7 Other voluntary deductions (if any) $
8 Net paycheck {{net_paycheck | currency}}
* Social security tax (both employer and employee) is 6.2% on the first $137,700
* Medicare tax (both employer and employer): 1.45% on the all wages and salaries.
* Additional Medicare tax (employees only): 0.9% on the amount over $125,000 (MFJ), $200,000 (single) or $250,000(MFJ).
* Federal and state income taxe withholdings apply to employees only.
* Employers must pay unemployment tax for their employees. The federal uemployment tax rate is 6% and employers can take a credit up to 5.4% of the taxable income if they pay state unemployment taxes. Each state has its own new employer rate for each new business.